Friday, September 4, 2009

The Verdik on New RBK shoes...

I was bored today... My friend and I went to the Reebok store in D-town Montreal (Can,Qc) and I've tried all the pairs in the store with the help of Jason... Some models I like others I don't.. The experience was wonderful.. So I think when I've a time on fridayz i'll try all the shoes of the brand of the week and will tell the ''proz and conz'' and what you should know about the newest Trend...

*Reebok worked really hard to keep it clean and old school for us all those decades... The PUMPs will remain the Best design ever in old school kix'... The Klassic Sir Jam Mid,The classic nylon, ERS 2000, Match Royale, shoes are extremely comfortable to wear and fashionable, really hold on to your feet and keep it straight in the shoes... Love them a lot for those reasons...

*The models that I like the least are Pumps Omni Lite, Pumps court victory and the Freestyle Hi... So technically I didn't like the feeling or the shoe... The in and out soles was to short... U have the impression that your toes are floating in the air when you are walking, because of the Pumps the sneakers are to tight inside... They added extra cussing inside that I think doesn't make your feet breath properly... The Kix are to hard to walk in at the first...

In overall, Reebok made and will alwayz remain hopefully the Trendiest sneaker eva for the Old school people in our era... Most of the models are really clean and respect a certain HIP HOP culture ever since... Hope that Reebok will keep in touch for another decades so my kids can Rock them... This what finishes a another great week... hope you like the RBK special... In the mean while you can visit the www. or for more Flavz... Don't forget to check out the Kool-Aid Kollection.... Let me know what's up!!! see you next week...

~Check out this commercial all the colors are there for the clothing line...~

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